Subject: BMP: Wolverine Author: XgambitMAN Uploaded By: XgambitMAN Date: 5/21/1998 File: PLANETW.BMP (308278 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 40954 Needs: A BMP Viewer Keywords: XgambitMAN, EPaint, Comic, Character, Super Hero Type: Copyright A cool picture of Wolverine that I drew using Fractint for Windows in the background and A painstaking two hours to draw the picture of Wolverine in the foreground. (Image size 640 X 480, 256 colors) ___ Released with permission to the PC Graphic Arts Forum... Keyword PGR THE UPLOADER CLAIMS AND GUARANTEES TO HAVE FULL AND CLEAR COPYRIGHT TO THIS WORK WHICH THEY HAVE UPLOADED. THIS WORK IS FOR PERSONAL USE OF THE DOWNLOADING MEMBER AND MAY NOT BE ALTERED, INCLUDED ON A WEB PAGE, CONVERTED NOR UPLOADED TO ANY ELECTRONIC SYSTEM OR BBS NOR INCLUDED IN ANY COMPACT DISK (CD-ROM) OR COLLECTION OF ANY TYPE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE UPLOADER. TO DO SO PLACES THE USER AT RISK OF SEVERE FINES AND PENALTIES FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. CB